52 Week Plan for Kids

For your elementary age kids (6-11), here's a whole year of carefully curated lessons; because we love to save you time!


June 2 - June 30, 2024

One Story Kids: Life - 5 lessons

In this series, we focus in on the way the Holy Spirit is at work in Christ-followers. Kids will learn how things written almost 2000 years ago by the apostle Paul are still important for us in our lives today.

July 7 - July 28, 2024

Treasure Champs: Living Wise - 4 lessons

We can learn so much from The Bible. This series recognises the wisdom in this special book that can change every part of our lives. We end the series by remembering that the most important thing is trusting in God.

August 4 - August 25, 2024

One Story Kids: New - 4 lessons

In this series, kids will discover that while most certainly a confusing book of the Bible, Revelation shows us that Jesus is worth worshipping and that forever with him is going to be amazing.

2024/25 Plan: Getting to Know God

Who is God? What does God do? How does God work in our lives? What does God want to say to us? Why does God care so much about us?

Our lists of questions about God can go on and on! The hope of this 52-week plan is that kids will get to both know about God and know God.

This scope and sequence showcases the RaiseUpFaith resource library, all tied together to create a cohesive Bible-based curriculum that takes the kids on a journey of faith and discovery.

September 1 - 29, 2024

What does God do?

In this series, kids will learn, through the Lord’s Prayer, various aspects of who God is and what God does. Kids will learn about the ways God welcomes us to know him as Father; God can rule in our hearts like he does in heaven; God loves to give to his children; we can ask God to help us in our struggles; and, that God cares about us and listens when we speak to him.

God Rocks! Prayer Power - 4 lessons

Cheeky Pandas: Series 1 - 1 lesson

October 6 - 27, 2024

Who is God?

God's story has characters we can see, and characters that we cannot see. It has our great loving, powerful God, and it has an adversary. It has angels and fallen angels. In this series, kids will learn about each of these characters through the lens of a loving God.

One Story Kids: Characters - 4 lessons

One Story Kids: Wilderness - 5 lessons

November 3 - December 1, 2024

Why does God care so much about us?

In this series, kids will learn about God’s love for his people, the Israelites, a few thousand years ago, and how he continues to love us, today. Kids will learn about God’s law given to the Israelites and how God listened to his children, then, and how he continues to listen to his children now.

One Story Kids: Wilderness - 5 lessons

December 8 - December 29, 2024

When did God send us Jesus?

In this series, children will hear about the incredible way that God breaks into the world, in a way that no one expected, as a baby. Kids will discover that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us!

Laugh and Grow Bible: Christmas - 4 lessons

  • 🗓 December 8: 1. Christmas: A Messenger

  • 🗓 December 15: 2. Christmas: Born in a Barn

  • 🗓 December 22: 3. Christmas: Angels and Shepherds

  • 🗓 December 29: 4. Christmas: The Wise Men

January 5 - 26, 2025

What are some ways we can reflect God?

Kids will discover that they can learn from Jesus how to be thankful, persevere, forgive and be empathic to others and how God is like this with us, too.

Treasure Champs: Heart Tales - 4 lessons

February 2 - March 30, 2025

What does God want for us?

In these two series, children will discover that God wants us to trust him, and to help us do that, he sent his son, Jesus. Children will be encouraged to overcome obstacles and develop their trust in Jesus. And, children will be reminded that they can talk to God anytime and that the best treasure to find is God!

Friends and Heroes: Together and Apart - 4 lessons

Cheeky Pandas and the Jesus Storybook Bible - 5 lessons

April 6 - 27, 2025

Why did God's son die for us?

Through the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus, children will discover the fullness of the story. Focusing, not only, on the events of Holy Week, but on the real reason we celebrate with such joy.

What's In The Bible? Why Do We Celebrate Easter? - 4 lessons

May 4 - June 29, 2025

Is God still with us?

In this series, kids will discover that the triune God has a radical impact in our lives so awesome and amazing that it changes us at our very core. So, yes, God is most certainly still with us and that’s what we pray kids experience. One Story Kids: Radical - 5 lessons

One Story Kids: The Look of Love II - 4 lessons

July 6 - 27, 2025

What is God's Kingdom?

In this series, kids will learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and then discover about John’s visions in Revelation and the coming kingdom of God!

What's In The Bible? Volume 13: God's Kingdom Comes! - 4 lessons

August 3 - September 7, 2025

What does God want us to discover?

And finally... God’s love is the greatest treasure in the world - and it’s ours to discover! In this series, the God Rocks lead kids on an expedition around Grace Island, teaching about our identity as children of God and what it means to live in the fullness of God’s amazing love.

God Rocks! Island Adventure - 6 lessons

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